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  • @inspirationstudiokotoks
  • Inspiration Studio FB Page
  • Miss Robin's Pinterest Page
  • @Red_Duchess
  • @authentic_chick_creations

You have FOUND the place for creatives of the Foothills of Alberta! Educational lessons for kids, tweens, teens and adults! Marketing murals and fine art commissions for everyone:) 

red poppies in a field of christian crosses.jpg
Hello! I'm Robin Thibodeau

Born and raised in Okotoks who loves animals both real and imagined:) I am also an art teacher, portrait, digital composite and mural artist. I am a hardcore LOCAL SUPPORTER and my life revolves around CREATIVITY in many formats. 

Stop shopping online and in other neighbourhoods. Everything is right here in Okotoks. Trust me. 


Don't feel like you need to ADD anything drastic though, Okotokians love visitors! 


Welcome to ISAFA

The Inspiration Studio Academy of Fine provides fantastic opportunities for ages 7 -107 through the ART CLUBS & ARTIST LEAGUES! 



 REGISTRATION for Fall 2025 opens in June

 Registration for Portfolio Club 2.0  opens Feb. 2025



Portfolio 2.0 2025.jpg

 discover your creativity with
3-Week Fun Fridays for ages 16 - 106!

TIME OPTIONS: 10:00am - 12:00pm  OR 1:00pm - 3:00pm

       *Watercolour   *Drawing   *Acrylic painting 

*Printmaking *Felting *Calligraphy


By maintaining a consistent schedule, you can 

improve & master your skills!


The Inspiration Studio Academy of Fine Art - Amenities & Service Promises​


  • Individual Work Stations, tools and materials  Hand wipes and sanitizer at each stationLow amount of shared tools 

  • Washroom is sanitized after each use, students have their own hand towels and the Studio is cleaned daily

  • Entrance and Exit- are the same Water bottles and snacks permitted at the start of class.  Sharing  only permitted with individually wrapped items

  • For more in-depth information, The Inspiration Studio Academy of Fine Art's policies, procedures and program promises are attached to each Registration Form


Take advantage of my NEWEST free downloadables and video tutorials uploaded on my@inspirationstudiokotoks IGTV channel and the Studio's FB Page 



#creativitiyishowwesurvive #okotoksstrong #artistsareculturalheroes 


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